Aceh Jaya Regent Prohibits Officials From Leaving District To Prevent COVID-19

BANDA ACEH - Aceh Jaya Regent T Irfan TB forbade the regional secretary and heads of district work unit (SKPK) to travel outside the region as an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"The postponement of non-urgent travel is one of the efforts to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 and focus more on completing all work by the end of 2021," said Irfan in Calang, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 30.

Irfan explained that all levels within the Aceh Jaya Regency Government must also complete a very important agenda, namely the determination of the APBK for the 2022 budget year, which is planned for December 2021.

On the sidelines of the Aceh Jaya DPRK plenary meeting, Irfan said that to achieve all these plans, all SKPKs must work more optimally in increasing physical and financial realization so that programs and activities in 2021 can be completed on time.

"I hope that the regional secretary and the head of the SKPK in Aceh Jaya Regency and their ranks will work harder in order to improve physical and financial realization," he said.

The Regent also invited all people to adopt a healthy lifestyle while still implementing health protocols at work, namely carrying out the three M behaviors (wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands).