Decreasing Corona Cases, Volunteers Unloading COVID-19 Hospital Facilities At Rusunawa UIN Tulungagung
TULUNGAGUNG - A number of volunteers dismantled the tents, the tombo Kangen shelter and a number of supporting facilities for the COVID-19 Emergency Hospital at the Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University Rusunawa Tulungagung, East Java.
The demolition activity is a consequence of the closure of the RSDC, starting from the repatriation of the last seven quarantine patients on September 20, as the bed occupancy rate (BOR) ratio of the COVID-19 quarantine house in the area decreased. Of the 914 beds available now only 10 beds are used, or about four percent.
"The decline in BOR is also the impact of the downward trend in cases in Tulungagung so that several quarantine houses, including the RSDC, are closed because they are no longer in use," said Tagana Tulungagung Psychosocial Support Service (LDP) Team Coordinator Imam Safi'i, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 30.
RSD COVID-19 or COVID-19 Quarantine House has been in operation for about 1.5 years. The Tulungagung Regency Government decided to use
Rusunawa UIN ONE (at that time still with the status of IAIN Tulungagung) as a quarantine house for asymptomatic COVID-19 patients or OTG, to control cases of corona virus infection which at that time began to become epidemic.
On the way, this quarantine house was later upgraded to a COVID-19 hospital, especially since there was a spike
cases in late 2020 and then during the Delta variant outbreak in July-August 2021.
Now the number of cases infected with the corona virus in Tulungagung continues to decline. Both at RSUD dr. Iskak and those who are being treated or isolated in quarantine houses have also decreased, even some places have been empty since the last two weeks, including Rusunawa UIN Tulungagung.
Meanwhile, UIN Tulungagung will also immediately start face-to-face lectures on October 4, so that the Rusunawa which were previously used for the COVID-19 Hospital or COVID-19 quarantine house, will be returned to UIN Tulungagung.
"Once it is empty, there will be a report on the handover," said the Head of the Tulungagung District Health Office, dr. Kasil Rokhmat.