Regent Ade Yasin Lectures Free 1,200 Bogor Residents In 60 Universities
BOGOR - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin lectured 1,200 citizens in 60 public and private universities through the Pancakarsa Scholarship program.
"The 2021 Pancakarsa Scholarships are given to 1,200 youths aged 16 to 30 years as an award for achievements in the religious field such as hafidz Quran, arts, sports, youth, social mobilizers, and academics," said Ade Yasin in Cibinong, Bogor, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 30th.
The 60 universities where 1,200 residents of Bogor Regency study free lectures consist of 17 campuses located in Bogor, and 43 campuses outside Bogor.
Specifically in collaboration with 17 campuses located in Bogor, Ade Yasin symbolically signed the Bogor Innovation Wildly Important Goals (WIG) 2021 activity in Ciawi, Bogor, Wednesday, September 29.
The Pancakarsa Scholarship is an education fund as a stimulant and motivation for regional children who excel in pursuing higher education and ensure the continuity of student education until completion.
According to him, the program aims to build the younger generation in the region to be more qualified, competitive and competitive in the future.
"Thanks to all the rectors of universities and high schools partnering with the Pancakarsa Scholarship program, I entrust selected young men and women from Bogor Regency to be educated and forged in educational institutions to become strong and qualified human resources," said Ade Yasin.