Blank Check Case Of Former Balangan Regent Of South Kalimantan Leads To One Year Prison Sentence

BANJARMASIN - The panel of judges sentenced the former Regent of Balangan, South Kalimantan, H Ansharuddin, to one year in prison. This case was decided at the Banjarmasin District Court.

"The defendant Ansharuddin was legally and convincingly proven to have committed a criminal act of fraud and sentenced him to a sentence of one year," said Chief Justice Aris Bawono Langgeng reading the verdict quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 30.

Upon this decision, the defendant through his attorney M Mauliddin Afdie immediately declared an appeal. Meanwhile, Fahrin Amrulah and Agus Subagya expressed their thoughts.

The panel of judges gave the next seven days for legal steps taken by both parties. After the trial, Ansharuddin expressed his appreciation for the opinion of the panel of judges. However, he said he was not satisfied with the decision.

"So we ask for justice again by taking an appeal step. We will hear the opinion of the member judges at trial, there are differences in perception. Where the second member judge sees the material truth," he said.

It is known that Ansharuddin, who served as Balangan Regent for the 2016-2021 period, was entangled in the case of a blank check reported by Dwi Putra Husnie Dipling.

The Rp1 billion money that the complainant lent to the defendant was later paid with a blank check when the victim tried to withdraw it on April 28, 2018 and then reported it to the South Kalimantan Police on suspicion of fraud.