Hopefully The Simultaneous Pilkada Will Not Become The New Covid-19 Cluster

PONTIANAK - Simultaneous Regional Elections 2020 in 270 regions will be held on 9 December. The great celebration of democracy in this country - if it is not followed by health protocols - could create a new cluster of the spread of Covid-19.

The General Election Commission (KPU) has officially scheduled the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneous voting on 9 December. The campaign will be conducted from 26 September to 5 December with a limited number of participants.

The Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian encourages the campaign props for candidate pairs in the simultaneous regional election contest in the form of masks and handsanitizers.

"My advice is also to the KPU, if possible the props (campaign props) are also masks and hand sanitizers, because these are important weapons to block 3 types of Covid-19 transmission," said the Minister of Home Affairs in the 2020 Concurrent Regional Election Readiness Coordination Meeting and Task Force Briefing. Covid-19 at the Aston Pontianak Hotel, West Kalimantan, Sunday, July 19.

Tito wants, in various community activities to be continuously reminded so that he has a high awareness of the transmission of Covid-19 and does not neglect the mode of transmission.

"The most negligent, namely the spread through the object, this must be a lot of negligence, all objects that are held by the positive then there is a spray or liquid from the positive to the object, it will spread to the object the virus, then if the object is held by people who are negative, then hold the nose, face, eyes, mouth, can be positive too, "said Tito in his statement.

Do not let the Pilkada become a new cluster for the spread of Covid-19. The campaign period until voting must go through strict health protocols and provision of infection prevention equipment.

"Do not let this Pilkada become a new cluster, in addition to props, at the time of voting, all will be provided with protective equipment, all of them are also prepared, masks, hand washing equipment, gloves, hand sanitizers for voters at TPS," continued Tito again.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian (Photo: Public Relations of the Ministry of Home Affairs)

Tito Karnavian also asked the election organizers, KPU and Bawaslu, to be firm about the prohibition of potential crowds, processions and convoys in every 2020 Pilkada Simultaneously. General meetings are sufficient to limit the maximum to 50 people.

'I have asked the Director General of Politics and the Director General of Otda, I also asked Mr. Cornelis (a member of Commission II of the DPR RI who was also present) during a meeting with the KPU, later be firm sir, later it will be regulated there is no procession, no convoy. Because of the procession, later there could be only 50 in the room, but it turns out that there is a procession outside to take the candidate pairs to register, "said the Minister of Home Affairs.

Bawaslu as the referee must also be fierce in giving strict sanctions to disqualification of violations of repeated mistakes related to the prohibition. Candidate pairs must also be able to become role models in implementing the health protocols that have been regulated in the Pilkada.

"This is how to become a leader, take care of Timses, and even 200-300 supporters cannot be regulated, how to become a leader who can overcome Covid, which has hundreds, tens of thousands of people, even millions of people," he explained.