Two Aceh Positive COVID-19 Bodies Buried Without A Health Protocol

JAKARTA - Two bodies positive for COVID-19 were buried without carrying out health protocols. This is based on a report from the task force to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 in Aceh Province.

The two residents are MI (63), a resident of Baitussalam District and Ju (73), a resident of Mesjid Raya Sub-district, Aceh Besar District.

"We have taken the bodies of the bodies twice by families in Aceh Besar," said Saifullah Abdugani, spokesman for the task force to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 in Aceh, Sunday, July 19.

Saifullah said the family took MI's body on Wednesday, July 15. Meanwhile, Ju was taken by the family on Saturday 18 July. "So that both of them are buried without health protocols," he said.

Ju, he said, was the 146th patient who contracted the corona virus. He died after receiving treatment at Zainoel Abidin Regional Hospital in Banda Aceh. According to him, the review should be done according to health protocols.

Thus, in the future his party will monitor and check on residents who have contact with the bodies. "To prevent transmission to those who take care of the bodies," he said.

On this occasion he said, to prevent transmission of the virus, his party would continue to socialize and monitor the community.

As for Aceh, there are 146 cases of COVID-19. Meanwhile 68 people recovered and 9 people died. Meanwhile 69 people are still undergoing medical treatment.