Megawati: I Want PDIP Cadres Don't Just Think Politically

JAKARTA - PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri asked her party cadres not only to think about politics but also to help others affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This was conveyed when he gave an online speech at the PDIP DPP handover ceremony to 201 families of cadres who were victims of COVID-19.

"I want the PDI-P cadres to not think only about politics," said Mega in his remarks, Thursday, September 30.

According to him, PDIP cadres can dream of getting the best positions in the party structure, legislature, and executive. However, Megawati advised that they should be able to take care of each other, especially those who are in trouble.

"Don't forget that we also have an obligation to provide support. Who is sponsored? If we are not able to support the people, we provide support from our own party members. To provide a life that can move, which means that moving is physically and mentally. The children can go to school, their bodies are healthy. If the parents are unemployed, please try to ask and help," he said. Regarding the affection for the families of PDIP cadres who have become victims of COVID-19, Megawati said the assistance was a form of support so that they did not give up. He told me how difficult it was when PDIP was still called PDI to continue to survive by following all the regulations that existed in the midst of the pressure of the New Order Regime.

"So for the family, don't give up hope. I also ask that the entire structure must provide assistance and assistance to them, always with open arms to ensure that the party works together," said Megawati.

He also said that aid does not always have to be in the form of money. According to Mega, employment assistance can also be provided to those in need.

The work, he continued, does not only have to be office work. For example, if you are only able to provide cleaning work such as being a janitor, that's fine too.

"The sweeper is really needed. Because if no one sweeps the place, it's not clean. So don't feel humiliated. Do everything well, lawfully, whatever the job, no matter how small," he said.

On the same occasion, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said his party remains committed to assisting the Joko Widodo government in dealing with the people in dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He even said that since February 2020 when the pandemic occurred in the country, PDIP had taken various steps, starting from socializing the prevention of the corona virus, socializing healthy lifestyles and increasing body immunity, socializing health protocols, to going directly to various public kitchens and vaccinating residents.

PDIP is also active in distributing herbal medicine to strengthen immunity. Everything went down, including the members of the DPR. One of them is Iman Suroso, who was affected by covid after distributing aid at the market. The person concerned finally died.

"Even so, we continue to move. Because in truth we are a party that brings Pancasila to the ground with its essence in the gotong royong aspect. We also provide health education to the community, we create mutual cooperation posts, form a COVID-19 monitoring team for discipline enforcement in each region, to training personnel health," said Hasto.

This love giving activity is carried out online. Megawati was present from her residence on Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta.

Meanwhile the Secretary General of the DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto led from the party office on Jalan Diponegoro, along with Wasekjen Sadarestuwati and the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP for organization Sukur Nababan. Head of the PDIP Situation Room (Situation Room) M. Prananda Prabowo and DPR Chair Puan Maharani were present at the event virtually.