The Deputy Assistant Staff At The Ministry Of Youth And Sports Is Positive Covid-19

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) is on standby. One of their employees, this morning tested positive for COVID-19.

"There is one staff member from the Assistant Deputy for Partnerships and Awards who has just been found out that this morning has tested positive for Covid-19. But now he is in the hospital," said Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Gatot S Dewa Broto, Sunday, July 19.

Kemenpora also moves quickly so that the detention virus does not spread widely to many of its employees. Staff or other employees who have interacted with Covid-19 patients are required to undergo rapid tests and PCR at the National Sports Hospital (RSON).

The examination was carried out until 18.00 WIB earlier. There were 11 people who underwent the rapid test and luckily all of them were non-reactive. There are still two people who do PCR or swab tests and have to wait for lab results.

Kemenpora also immediately sprayed disinfectants in the Kemenpora environment since the afternoon. This activity will be continued tomorrow Monday. The PPITKON building will also be temporarily closed.

Gatot asked the staff at Deputy III, Deputy IV and the Head of PPITKON to work from home first. If there are urgent and important matters at the office, Kemenpora facilitates the use of large and small meeting rooms on the 3rd Floor of Graha or Wisma Kemenpora.

Other employees are also encouraged to be open and honest if they have ever had direct contact with the person concerned or feel symptoms in order to facilitate the tracing process by RSON.