Recognize 5 Reasons Why Plant Leaves Turn Yellow

JAKARTA - Taking care of plants is not easy. Even if you've done everything right—watering them, giving them sunlight—the leaves still sometimes turn yellow.

Plants need more water

One of the reasons plant leaves turn yellow is because the plant's roots are not getting enough water. This can happen if you water only the topsoil. You can try soaking the bottom of the plant by soaking the bottom of the plant in a basin of water for 30 minutes. Repeat every four weeks.

Plants are watered too much

If the leaves turn yellow and look dull and ugly, the plant may be getting too much water. Roots also need air, and when we over-water the plant roots don't get enough air and begin to sink and rot. You can work around this by poking at the ground to let air in and allow it to breathe.

Plants are still getting used to

Just like you when you just moved house, plants also need a period of adaptation to a new environment. Just make sure the plant gets enough sunlight. You can also spray them with additional nutrients to help relieve their stress.

Plants get too much sun

While there are plants that can thrive in the sun all day every day, those that prefer low to medium light can burn when they get too much light.

Plants lacking nutrients

Just as we need vitamin supplements, plants also need extra nutrients besides light and water. Look for plant foods with iron. Lack of magnesium can make plants turn yellow.