Big Kongkalikong Djoko Tjandra With Three Police Generals

JAKARTA - In the aftermath of the issuance of travel documents and red notice from fugitive Djoko Tjandra, three Polri Generals were removed from their posts. The three of them are suspected of being directly or indirectly involved in the matter. They are Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo, Brigadier General Nugroho Wibowo, and Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte

For Brigadier General Prasetyo, he is suspected of being the mastermind of the issuance of the Djoko Tjandra road letter. The letter, number SJ / 82 / VI / 2020 / Rokorwas, was published as of 18 June 2020 and used for trips to Pontianak, West Kalimantan from Jakarta on 19 June and returned on 22 June 2020.

Then, Brigadier General Nugroho allegedly violated the code of ethics for issuing a letter submitting the validity period of Djoko Tjandra's red notice. Meanwhile, Inspector General Napoleon violated the code of ethics because he neglected to supervise his members.

The alleged involvement of a major general in the Djoko Tjandra case is of course a serious problem for the Police. Researcher at the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies in the field of Police, Bambang Rukminto said, the National Police Institution must immediately dismantle other parties suspected of being involved

"The indication is in that direction (the involvement of other generals), because corruption crimes are always committed not by a single actor. That's why the investigation must be done thoroughly and transparently," Bambang told VOI, Sunday, July 19.

One way that can be done is by examining these Generals. However, disclosure of other suspected involvement could also be done by arresting Djoko Tjandra. This is because the man who has been a fugitive for years is a key witness to the involvement of other parties.

"Investigate it thoroughly and refocus on arresting Djoko Tjandra. Apart from being a DPO, he is currently also a key witness in a case involving the generals," said Bambang.

Furthermore, if later this case can be solved completely, the image of the Police in the community will recover. Because, with the involvement of high-ranking Police officers, the current sense of inequality in the community is so high.

"(The action) is firm and transparent. Trust in the Police must be built with transparency and consistency in law enforcement for its members as well," said Bambang.

For your information, Djoko Tjandra is a fugitive in the case of transfer of rights which resulted in the replacement of Bank Bali creditors worth Rp904 billion which was handled by the Attorney General's Office.

The Attorney General's Office detained Joko Tjandra from 29 September 1999 to August 2000. However, a judge at the South Jakarta District Court ruled that he was acquitted of charges because his actions were not criminal but civil.

In addition, the AGO submitted a PK against Djoko's case to the Supreme Court in October 2008. Finally, the panel of judges sentenced Djoko Tjandra to two years in prison and had to pay Rp. 15 million. Joko's money in Bank Bali Rp.546.166 billion was seized by the state.