Update On COVID-19 As Of July 19: First Time Cases Healed Translucent 2,000

JAKARTA - The spokesman for the government for handling COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained the temporary developments as of July 19. From existing data, cases recovered for the first time exceeded the 2,000 mark.

Of the hundreds of Regencies / Cities affected by COVID-19, many have reported large numbers of recovered cases. The three regions with the largest cases recovered, namely, South Sulawesi, East Java and Central Java.

"The recovered cases we reported today were 2,133, bringing the total to 45,401," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Sunday, July 19.

Meanwhile, for the addition of positive cases the number is still below the cured cases. Based on the results of the examination of around 20,504 specimens, the positive cases increased by 1,639. That way, the overall number from the first time COVID-19 spread in Indonesia reached 86,521 cases.

If you refer to the data, many positive cases occurred in DKI Jakarta with 313 cases followed by several other provinces. Central Java and East Java, for example.

"DKI Jakarta today reported 313 new cases and 326 recovered, Central Java 300 cases with 420 recovered, East Java 275 cases with 474 recovered," said Yuri.

Meanwhile, the number of cases died increased by 127 with a total of 4,143 people. Then, for suspected cases the number is 37,505 people.

"Provinces that reported additional cases under 10 were 15 provinces and 5 provinces reported no additional new cases at all," Yuri concluded.