KPK Helps Solve 6 Corruption Cases In Aceh

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has intervened to assist the Aceh Regional Police and the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office in resolving several corruption cases. This KPK assistance was provided by the Team for the Coordination Area for Enforcement.

"On July 13 to July 18, 2020, the Team for the Regional Coordination Unit for Enforcement will coordinate and supervise the handling of corruption cases handled by Aceh Regional Police Investigators and the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement on Sunday, July 19.

According to Ali, there were 4 corruption cases handled by the Aceh Regional Police and assisted by the KPK. The case was the alleged corruption in the road and bridge maintenance project at the PUPR Simeulue Regency Office, which was sourced from the Kab. Simeulue for the 2017 fiscal year. This case began to be investigated by the Aceh Police in 2020.

Then the allegation of corruption in the abuse of authority to use money / budget for the Gayo Lues Regency Government, originating from the 2003 to 2006 APBD funds, began to be investigated by the Aceh Police and the Gayo Lues Police in 2013.

In addition, there is a case of alleged corruption in the Keude Bakongan fish market and vegetable market development project in South Aceh Regency with a contract value of Rp 1,648,389,000. sourced from APBA funds for the 2016 fiscal year implemented by CV. Cahaya Artha Mulia and managed by the Aceh Industry and Trade Service. The South Aceh Police began investigating this case in 2017.

Finally, the alleged corruption case for the construction of clean water biotechnology installations in Sawang Subdistrict, Aceh Utara Regency for the 2011 fiscal year with a budget value of Rp. 2,425,250,000, -from APBA. "The Lhokseumawe Police began investigating in 2016," said Ali.

Meanwhile, there are 2 cases handled by the Aceh Attorney General's Office, namely cases of alleged corruption related to the revitalization of traditional markets which were funded by Additional Regional Proposed DAK funds (Phase 1) for the 2015 fiscal year with a contract value of IDR 12,620,000,000 and the development of market revitalization in Simpang Kiri District stage II of the fiscal year 2016, which was funded by a Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for Additional Regional Proposals in 2015 with a contract value of Rp. 16,384,265,000 at the Department of Industry, Mining, Cooperatives and SMEs of Subulussalam City.

Then, the alleged corruption case at the Sabang Free Trade Zone and Free Port Exploitation Agency (BPKPBPBS) in the Planning Work for the Balohan Sabang Ferry Port Terminal Development Activity Package for the 2016 Fiscal Year with a budget of Rp 633,975,000. The case, which began to be investigated by the Sabang Prosecutor's Office in 2018, has been declared complete or P-21 and will then be carried out in Phase II.

"Next, the KPK will assist in the facilitation of experts who will be presented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) in the trial process," he said.

In addition to assisting the Aceh Regional Police and the Attorney General's Office, in this coordination and supervision, the KPK also coordinates with the Aceh Provincial Representative BPKP Auditor regarding the calculation of state financial losses (PKKN) for cases that PKKN has requested from the Aceh Regional Police and the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office.