In Pamekasan, Drivers Without A COVID-19 Vaccine Card Are Raided

PAMEKASAN - Security officers from elements of the TNI, police and the Pamong Praja Police Unit (Satpol-PP) Pamekasan Regency, East Java held a simultaneous integrated raid for motorists who did not have a COVID-19 vaccine card. The aim is to accelerate vaccination coverage in the region.

"This decision is based on the results of the cross-agency meeting at the 0826 Pamekasan Makodim this afternoon which refers to the results of the virtual coordination meeting with the Military Commander V Brawijaya on September 27, 2021," said Commander of the 0826 Pamekasan Kodim, Lieutenant Colonel Tejo Baskoro, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 29.

This raid for motorists who do not have a COVID-19 vaccine card is also in order to accelerate vaccination coverage in Pamekasan Regency, which is still low.

In fact, he continued, Pamekasan Regency is one of the five regions in East Java recorded by the East Java Provincial Government COVID-19 Task Force where vaccination achievement is very low.

So, the security officers, namely Kodim 0826 Pamekasan together with the Pamekasan Resort Police and the Pamekasan Regency Government Satpol-PP need to make systematic efforts so that vaccination achievements can be wider. Among them by holding a raid for motorized vehicle drivers who do not have a vaccine card.

Vaccine card raids for motorized vehicle drivers by the joint officers will start on September 30, 2021 in five different locations in Pamekasan, namely the Pamekasan Goods Terminal Post, Pamekasan Old Terminal Post or on Jalan Stadium, Pamekasan Lancor Post, Asem Manis Post, and Pamekasan Nyalabu Post. as the fifth post.

Residents of motorized vehicles passing through these five posts will be stopped by officers, and those who have not been vaccinated will be directed to vaccinate at the vaccine booths available at the isolation locations.

"Of course, the implementation of vaccination is in accordance with the standard operating procedures that have been established," said Dandim.

This joint raid in order to expand vaccination coverage involved a number of institutions, the Pamekasan Kodim 0826, Pamekasan Police, Brimob, Pamekasan Sub Denpom, Pamekasan Regency Government Satpol-PP, Transportation Service, Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), and Health Office.

The raid on vaccine cards for people who drive motorized vehicles is one of the efforts to increase the coverage of COVID-19 vaccination in Pamekasan Regency.

Because, based on data from the East Java Provincial Government's COVID-19 Task Force, Pamekasan Regency is one of five regions in East Java, Madura, which has low vaccination coverage. Four other districts are also low, namely Sumenep, Sampang, Bangkalan, and Situbondo.

Vaccination coverage in Sampang Regency reached 10.08 percent or 74,702 residents, while the second dose was 4.02 percent or 29,799 residents, Sumenep Regency reached 10.37 percent or 93,338 residents, the second dose was 4.84 percent or 43,565 residents, Pamekasan Regency reached 11 percent or 71,809 people, second dose 5.99 percent or 39,097 residents.

Bangkalan Regency as many as 12.70 percent or 104,818 residents, while dose two 6.21 percent or 51,232 residents, while Situbondo Regency recorded 13.88 percent or 76,126 people, dose two 7.09 percent 38,866 residents.

Apart from raids on motorized vehicles, other efforts made by security officers and the Pamekasan Regency Government in order to increase vaccination coverage, are through mass vaccination targeting youth groups and this activity is in collaboration with the Pamekasan Ansor Youth Movement organization.