South Kalimantan Police Confirms Police Case Of Wrong Arrest Still Processed By Propam

BANJARMASIN - The Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Mochamad Rifa'i, confirmed that the case of alleged wrongful arrest by members of the Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) Police was still being processed internally, even though the officers and victims agreed to a peace agreement.

"The case is still being handled by the Profession and Security Division of the South Kalimantan Police," said Rifa'i in Banjarmasin, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 29.

Meanwhile, the attorney for the victim of M Rafi'i's wrongful arrest, M Pazri confirmed that his client's report on criminal allegations previously submitted to the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police regarding violence during the wrongful arrest incident occurred on Wednesday, September 8, has been withdrawn.

The reason is, the victim and his family agreed to choose to resolve the issue peacefully and with kinship. The peace agreement has been signed and brokered by a number of parties, including members of the local Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD).

Although the report on the alleged crime has been withdrawn and the two parties have reconciled, the issue is not immediately resolved.

Previously, Pazri ensured that he would continue to oversee the victim's report in the Propam Sector of the South Kalimantan Police so that there would be strict sanctions internally at the Police.

The issue of wrongful arrest is known to have received attention from the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).

The reason is, M Rafi'i is listed as an eighth semester student at the Islamic High School (STAI) Al-Washliyah Barabai and also a cadre of the Islamic Student Association (HMI).

The Coordinator of the Human Rights Enforcement Sub-Commission of Komnas HAM, Hairansyah, condemned the alleged wrongful arrest and acts of violence against Rafi'i because it contradicts Article 19 of Law (UU) Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police.

This action is also considered to be contrary to Article 10 of the Regulation of the Indonesian National Police Chief Number 8 of 2009 concerning the Implementation of Human Rights Principles and Standards in the Implementation of Polri's Duties.

"This action has also damaged the determination of the National Police to become a precise Police, namely directiveness, responsibility and transparency with justice as the program carried out by Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo since serving as National Police Chief," Hairansyah said in a statement, September 14.

Therefore, Komnas HAM RI asked the South Kalimantan Police Chief to thoroughly investigate the case in a professional and transparent manner and take firm action against its members who were found guilty.

According to him, the statement was conveyed as part of efforts to encourage the promotion of protection, enforcement and fulfillment of human rights for every citizen.