Kompolnas Calls Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo Untung Alone In The Case Of Djoko Tjandra

JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) believes that Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo has abused his position for personal gain. This is related to the issuance of a pass for a big fugitive Djoko Tjandra. Commissioner of the National Police, Poengky Indarti, said that the pass for a big fugitive Djoko Tjandra was fake. The reason is, the issuance of the letter did not go through the correct process. "The person concerned is abusing his authority for his own interests. This means that he is brave enough to make a fake letter, then uses all kinds of things there, and for the sake of interest, I see this is personal interest," he said, in Virtual discussion entitled Ironi Djoko Tjandra & the Corruptor Hunting Team, Saturday, July 18. From the results of the investigation, said Poengky, his party received information that Prasetyo Utomo used his own computer, and then drafted the travel certificate. Poengky explained, the mechanism for issuing a travel certificate at Bareksrim Polri not like that. Apart from that, there is also another lie that says Djoko Tjandra is a consultant. "Because the letter should not have been the same as the procedure. This means that there must be authentication, be signed by other parties, there must be a sprite, and it is not true either. Djoko Tjandra is a consultant, a consultant from where? A consultant from Hong Kong. So this lie has already been discovered. If we look at it like this, this may not be an institution. So this is a personal game, "he said. Poengky said, Kompolnas really appreciated the attitude of the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, who was direct. dismissed and examined Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo regarding his involvement in the Djoko Tjandra case. "We really see that there is indeed an intention to keep the police clean," he said. As is known, there are at least three Pati Polri who are suspected of being dragged into the case of big fugitive Djoko Tjandra. They are Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo, Brigadier General Nugroho Slamet Wibowo, and Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. Brigjen Prasetyo Utomo is the Head of the Coordination and Supervision Bureau (Karo Korwas) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit. He is suspected of being removed from his position in the case of the issuance of a fugitive passport for the transfer of collection rights (cessie) from Bank Bali, Djoko Tjandra. In connection with the drafting of the road certificate for Djoko Tjandra, the one-star general of the National Police has exceeded his authority. The reason is, he moved on his own initiative without permission from the leadership. Then, Brigadier General Nugroho Slamet Wibowo. He previously served as Secretary of the National Central Bureau (Ses NCB) of Interpol Indonesia. Then removed and transferred to be the Main Policy Analyst for the Jianbang Division of the National Police Education and Training Center. The removal of Brigadier General Nugroho is suspected to be related to the removal of red notice Djoko Tjandra. Finally, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. He previously served as Head of the International Relations Division (Kadivhubinter) of the Police. Then now his position is removed and transferred to the Main Policy Analysis of the National Police Inspectorate. The dismissal was due to an alleged violation of the code of ethics related to the Djoko Tjandra case.