Tips From The Boss Of Garudafood Conglomerate Sudhamek Agung So That These Garuda And Gery Chocolatos Peanut Producers Are Successful In Surviving In The Food And Beverage Industry

JAKARTA - PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk managed to record an encouraging net profit growth of 102 percent in the first semester of 2021, even though the pandemic is still ongoing. The issuer with the stock code GOOD has also regularly distributed dividends to its shareholders since it was first listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) at the end of 2018.

Then, what is the key to Garudafood's success in surviving in the food and drink industry (mamin)?

Chairman of Garudafood and DAW Group, Sudhamek Agoeng Waspodo Soenjoto, said that every industry has its own key to success. For the food and beverage industry itself, he said, there are four important factors that must be implemented.

First, said Sudhamek, is continuous innovation and mastery of technology. According to him, mastery of technology also certainly applies to other industries.

"The second is the control of the distribution network," he said in a webinar, Wednesday, September 29.

Third, he continued, what is also important is how to build a brand or brand effectively.

"And the last is how we have to keep updating our business model," he said.

In the context of the food and beverage industry, said Sudhamek, actually the key success factors are only these four things.

"As long as (the four things) are done well, the food and beverage industry will survive. Especially since the health crisis and the economic crisis have begun, there has been a separate trend in the clean health and economic crisis plots," he said.

Therefore, Sudhamek reminded food and beverage entrepreneurs to focus on these key success factors in running their business during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Innovation is essentially to keep innovative, keep creative, that's where we can survive in our respective industries," he explained.

For your information, PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk managed to record a net profit growth of 102 percent to Rp232 billion in the first semester of 2021. This number increased when compared to the same period last year, which was Rp115 billion.

One of the drivers of the increase in net profit was the increase in sales by the company's subsidiary, namely PT Mulia Boga Raya Tbk (KEJU) which was acquired in October 2020.

In terms of sales throughout the first half of this year, the company has earned a 6.9 percent increase in sales to Rp4.18 trillion during the first half of 2021. This figure is up compared to the same period the previous year of Rp3.91 trillion. This increase occurred both in the domestic market, which rose 7 percent and in the export market, which rose 6.1 percent from the previous year.

Garudafood currently has exported its products to more than 20 countries with a focus on Asean countries, China, and India.

As of the first semester of 2021, the company recorded total assets of IDR 6.7 trillion, an increase of 2.5 percent compared to the same period in the previous year of IDR 6.5 trillion.