Book Review During Childhood In Kampung - Autobiography Of A Minangkabau Child

JAKARTA - Childhood is the most decisive moment in the development of a person in the future. Whatever challenges faced as a child, will undoubtedly be a valuable lesson in order to live life as well as possible.

Therefore, childhood memories are not merely a feeling of nostalgia for the village or village where a person is born and develops. There is a struggle in each child that is alleged to make his sensitivity and empathy even more honed.

Interestingly, this was what was stated by past journalist, Muhamad Radjab, in his autobiographical book entitled During his childhood in the village (1950). As a Minangkabau child who was born and raised in the area around Lake Singkarak, Radjab - or who is usually called Rijal - tries to show his childhood experiences (1913-1928) which invite critical views on all things.

In this case, little Rijal didn't just spend his time playing around. But on every occasion Rijal always prioritizes his curiosity as a measuring knife in exploring many things, especially related to social, educational and religious behavior.

Then, the child's name is also small. Rijal, who is known to be naughty, active and full of tactics every day, is often seen as a child who often makes parents dizzy. In fact, in some cases, his rational attitude led to him obtaining the title of kafir from his teaching teacher.

Also because of questions that are skeptical of religion. Even so, Rijal didn't stop. He always learns to understand and deepen many things so that the desire as a Minang child to carry out the tradition of migrating, which he thinks will open up thinking horizons.

Many interesting things are recorded in this book. Starting from debates related to the shape of the earth, the importance of learning silat for the Minang people, the big earthquake tragedy in Minangkabau in 1926, and polygamy in their village.

Earth shape debate

The debate over whether the earth is round or flat is still reverberating to this day. However, in this book it turns out that such debates have existed for a long time. In fact, Rijal with his rational attitude is often more skeptical of alibis than those who reject the fact that the earth is round.

"Lebai Saman is the one who first told me that the sun revolves around the earth, and the earth is flat, borne by an ox, which stands on a rock, and this stone is on a fish, and fish on the sea, and the sea is above. over the air. What is this eve, Lebai Saman does not know. God knows nature, he said, "written on page 39.

Then when Rijal started fourth grade, Rijal came back to Lebai Saman with the aim of providing information that the teacher who taught him told him that the earth is round like an egg. And the earth revolves around the sun.

However, Lebai Saman does not want to accept and turn on if the teacher who taught Rijal is wrong. "That teaching comes from the devil. he said "

Learn silat

For Minang people who have become teenagers, learning silat is mandatory. Not only for Rijal, but learning silat is also practiced by almost all children in his village.

Luckily, Rijal's martial arts teacher is his own father. Rijal, initially reluctant to study, finally agreed to study because of his father's explanation.

"Yes, you will not seek disputes. But if someone crazy hits you first and challenges you to a fight, you have to be good at dodging and getting back at it. How much you want peace; to provide this necessary compliance, ”writes on page 71.

The great earthquake tragedy of 1926

Living in the land of the Emerald Equator is definitely familiar with the name earthquake. In fact, the momentum of the earthquake is often the most memorable experience for most Indonesian children, including Rijal.

Back in the Minangkabau plains on August 28, 1926, there was also a big shepherd. Although the area around Lake Singkarak did not suffer many casualties, because of the aftershocks that often came after the first earthquake, villagers thought that the end was coming soon.

"Everyone praying, male and female, no exception. In the markets, the white cloth for women's telekung and the Silungkang woven cloth is actually sold. In short, all over Minangkabau people are increasingly devouting worship. In danger everyone remembers God, ”is on page 142.

Fortunately, over time people became accustomed to earthquakes because aftershocks occurred for months. In the end, the world that will end, as predicted by many people in his village, will not happen. People started to stop praying. The surau (small mosque), which was very busy after the big earthquake, is now starting as usual. Those who are diligent and obedient come every day.

To make matters worse, small sins are being committed again, such as playing cards, fighting cocks, and gossiping about other people. In fact, when the earthquake still panicked the people in their village, they lived a holy life like angels.

His criticism of polygamy

In his teenage years, Rijal seems brave enough to think critically about the behavior of the religious teachers in his village who in fact have more than one wife, aka polygamy. Not only religious teachers, Rijal presents his criticism, but also to followers of his religion.

Rijal sees this phenomenon is often caused by followers who want to take the blessings of wisdom to enter heaven. Not infrequently they also match their children with a religious teacher who even already has four wives.

“The people from his village and other villagers want to be the sheikh. But according to Islamic law, adherents are not allowed to say more than four. In order for other people to receive a share, in the form of a contested sheikh, the sykh is forced to divorce another one, so that the number of his daughters remains four, "he wrote on page 118.

“But, it's a shame for a divorced woman: rarely do other people want to marry the widow, afraid of being upset. Many sheikh's widows have not remarried, ”he added.

Presumably, that is the whole summary of Muhamad Radjab's autobiography. The rest, by reading this book you will undoubtedly be brought back to the good memories of your time in the village.

Some of them are related to the momentum of the excitement of living without gadgets, enjoying the fresh air, bathing in the lake, adventuring up the hill, playing firecrackers, and joking with friends in the surau. Luckily, we can enjoy all of them in the book Semasa Kecil di Kampung.


Book Title: Childhood in the Village

Author: Muhamad Radjab

First published: 1950

Publisher: Popular Gramedia Library (KPG) X Balai Pustaka

Number of Pages: 232