Bappenas Hands Over The Presidential Decree On The IKN Bill To The DPR, Suharso: If It's Successfully Enacted, We'll Prepare A Detail Plan
JAKARTA - Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa accompanied by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno submitted a Presidential Letter (surpres) for the Draft Law on the State Capital (IKN) to the leadership of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Wednesday, September 29.
"This law (the State Capital) consists of 34 articles, 9 chapters, and has been structured in such a way as to follow the rules for the preparation of a draft law. As contained in the academic manuscript. So we have conveyed the academic text and draft law to the Chairperson of the DPR," said Suharso during a press conference accompanied by the Chairperson of the DPR, Puan Maharani.
Suharso, explained that the contents of the IKN Draft Law included, among other things, the vision of the State Capital. In the IKN Bill, he said, there are also forms of organization, management, stages of development, relocation, and financing of the State Capital.
"The contents of this law include, among others, the vision of the nation's capital city, then the form of organization, management, and then the stages of development until the transfer stage and how to finance it," he explained.
Later, continued Suharso, if the Draft Law on the State Capital City (RUU IKN) can be successfully promulgated in the DPR, the first step to take is to prepare and ensure the detailed plans that are already available, including the master plan.
"We will all follow the rules as outlined in the master plan," said Suharso. Suharso added that IKN development is not a development that is carried out for 3-4 years but is gradual. "Today we have started to build areas that are infrastructure and logistics in nature around East Kalimantan to support the upcoming IKN," he said.