Toxic Productivity That Can Make Physical And Mental Fatigue

JAKARTA - Being a productive person is a positive thing, but don't go too far so that you suffer from toxic productivity. What's that?

Toxic productivity is basically an unhealthy desire to be productive all the time, at all costs. It is the need to work harder at work or at home, even when it is not expected of you. For those who suffer from this, too much is never enough, says Simone Milasas, a business coach.

"Toxic productivity can make you feel like a failure if you don't keep doing something. When toxic productivity leads your life, you judge yourself every day by only what you haven't done, rather than what you have accomplished," he explains.

Many people have toxic productivity patterns during this pandemic, says Kathryn Esquer, a psychologist. The main reason is because all routine routines are temporarily suspended. Suddenly, you have an unprecedented amount of free time. However, rather than using that time to rest, recharge, and recuperate, you may choose to work more as a way to feel worthy, fulfilled, and in control.

Kathryn says, “In general, when a stressful environment presents a stressor or threat that is out of control, you often find yourself focusing on small things in your immediate environment that you can control, such as cleaning the house or doing more work. The problem is, it actually masks the true stress and discomfort of the current situation.”

After all, when you get so hung up on being overly productive you actually run the risk of being less productive because you'll eventually run out of steam. What's more, toxic productivity can also affect relationships because it may be easier to feel angry and frustrated with those closest to you.

The bottom line, Simone warns, is that if you're stuck in a toxic productivity cycle, it's going to be physically exhausting. Apart from being drained of energy just to work, work and work, your natural response to always being angry with your loved ones will also make you mentally exhausted.