Polri: Red Notice Djoko Tjandra Deleted The System

JAKARTA - Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that the status of fugitive red notice for the cessie case (collection rights) of Bank Bali was automatically deleted from the Interpol National Central Bureaus (NCB) because the validity period had expired, and there was no request for extension from the Attorney General's Office.

He detailed, the beginning of the issuance of red notice in 2009 and is valid for 5 years. So that in 2014 it runs out and the system will automatically remove Djoko Tjandra's name from the Interpol wanted list.

"Delete by system is in accordance with article number 51 in Interpol rules processing of data, article 51 in article 51 has written delete automatic there," said Argo in Jakarta, Friday, July 17.

However, the information on Djoko Tjandra's name had been removed from the Interpol fugitive list and only became known in 2015. At that time, an issue arose if Djoko appeared in Papu New Guinea.

Thus, the National Police's International Relations Division wrote to the Director General of Immigration to blacklist Djoko Tjandra's name on February 12, 2015.

"Why (entered) DPO, because (red notice) was deleted by the system in 2014. Then that was the effort of the Police," said Argo.

Then, regarding the existence of a letter from NCB Interpol to the Directorate General of Immigration in May 2020, Argo continued, the letter was not the removal of Djoko Tjandra's red notice. Instead, the delivery of question information has been erased by the system.

"Then, my friends conveyed that there was a letter from NCB Interpol to the Directorate General of Immigration in May 2020, which was signed by the Secretary of the NCB (Brig. Gen. Pol Nugroho S Wibowo) so this is not a deletion but a delivery. He said that the red notice on behalf of Djoko Tjandra had already been done. deleted by the system, "he concluded.

For your information, Djoko Tjandra is a fugitive in the case of transfer of rights which resulted in the replacement of Bank Bali creditors worth Rp904 billion which was handled by the Attorney General's Office.

The Attorney General's Office detained Joko Tjandra from 29 September 1999 to August 2000. However, a judge at the South Jakarta District Court ruled that he was acquitted of charges because his actions were not criminal but civil.

In addition, the AGO submitted a PK against Djoko's case to the Supreme Court in October 2008. Finally, the panel of judges sentenced Djoko Tjandra to two years in prison and had to pay Rp. 15 million. Joko's money in Bank Bali Rp.546.166 billion was seized by the state.

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