Megawati Asks Candidates For Regional Heads From PDIP To Be Careless

JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri, has given recommendations to regional head candidates who will compete in the 2020 Pilkada. To them, Megawati advised that the cadres she chose should not be careless, especially since the struggle would still continue.

"We can't just relax. 'Oh, I have a recommendation in my hands.' We can't. It must be done entirely with hard work," said Megawati while giving directions to the pair of candidates for regional head which was broadcast online, Friday, July 17th.

He then asked 45 regional head candidate pairs to immediately go to the field and meet with the community. The goal is to win over the people in their respective constituencies.

Furthermore, Mega said that his order for regional head candidates to go down to the community was not only for winning the 2020 Pilkada but also for winning the general election in 2024.

"I as the general chairman (said, ed) we have to achieve a big enough victory. Not only here, we still have hard work as a party that we have to carry out, namely the Pilkada and the 2024 General Election," he said.

In order to prepare qualified cadres as candidates for regional heads, Mega ordered them to attend party schools even though there is currently a COVID-19 pandemic. "Later it can be done online," he said.

"Thus we hope to produce leaders who are capable and always protect their people," he added.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto said that his party has set a target of 60 percent in the 2020 Pilkada. "Based on the 5th congress at which the election commission was formed, we are targeting as much as 60 percent as the target of winning the elections in 2020," he said.

Meanwhile, when asked about the regional election strategy, he said that mutual cooperation is the main strategy for the party bearing the white muzzle to win the regional head election event.

"In principle, the PDI-P is a party pursuing an ideological path with a spirit of mutual cooperation. So a strategy based on the spirit of mutual cooperation is what we are putting forward," he said.

Previously, the Chairperson of the DPP PDI Perjuangan Puan Maharani read out the names of candidates for regional head and deputy regional head in 45 regions who will advance in the 2020 regional elections simultaneously on 9 December.

The announcement was made online at the PDI Perjuangan DPP Headquarters in Central Jakarta, Friday, 17. One of the candidates announced was Gibran Rakabuming Raka-Teguh Prakosa who was running for Pilwalkot Solo.

"The city of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Teguh Prakosa," said Puan when reading the decision.

PDIP Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri and PDIP Secretary Hasto Kristiyanto participated in reading the recommendations and other party leaders.

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