Results Of The Third Swab Test Come Out, RRI Surabaya Is Declared Free Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - As many as 54 employees of the RRI Surabaya Public Broadcasting Institute (LPP) were declared free of COVID-19 after their third swab results showed negative results. A few days ago, they tested positive for COVID-19.

"Alhamdulillah, we thank Allah SWT. True, today we have received the results of the third swab, the results of all employees are negative. This strengthens us even more because the previous results, namely the second swab were also negative," said the Head of LPP RRI Surabaya Sumarlina Station as quoted from the RRI website. , Friday, July 17th.

Furthermore, Sumarlina suspected that the results of the first swab test conducted by her employee were problematic. This is because, in the first test swab, 54 employees were declared infected with COVID-19, but in the second and third tests all employees tested negative.

On this issue, he conducted a third swab test. This third test result is the same as the second one, which is negative. This proves that none of the RRI Surabaya employees have contracted the virus.

"We hope that this third swab can be a confirmation that the employees of RRI Surabaya are indeed negative for COVID-19 like the results of the second swab," he said.

Sumarlina then invited all parties to empathize and provide support for their employees. Because, there is a lot of stigma that arises in the community towards people who have contracted COVID-19.

"My employee had negative first and second swab results but because of the massive news about 54 positive COVID-19 tests, he was expelled from the boarding house. His neighbors have not suspected any suspicions," he said.

Even though now all employees have tested negative for COVID-19, RRI Surabaya will still close its offices for the next 2 weeks in accordance with health protocols.

Previously, Indonesia had an additional 1,462 positive COVID-19 cases as of Friday, July 17. Thus, the total number of confirmed positive cases became 83,130 people.

The province with the highest number of new cases today is East Java with 255 new cases and a total of 17,829 cases. East Java is the province with the highest case accumulation in Indonesia.

Then, provinces with other high new cases are in DKI with 253 cases and a total of 15,889 cases, Central Java with 238 cases and a total of 6,366 cases. South Kalimantan with 101 cases and a total of 4,722 cases

Furthermore, a high number of new cases was also in Bali with 86 new cases and 2,619 total cases, North Sumatra with 83 new cases and a total of 2,776 cases, and South Sulawesi with 83 new cases and a total of 7,713 cases.