Whale Bitcoin Transfers 616 BTC To Another Wallet After 9 Years Of Sleep

JAKARTA – Owners of large amounts of Bitcoin (BTC), commonly called whales, have reportedly sent hundreds of Bitcoins to other wallets. This information was conveyed by the Twitter account @whale_alert last week. The @whale_alert account often reports large amounts of Bitcoin transfers.

The account reported sending 616 BTC of Bitcoin to another repository. Until now it is not known who the owner of this large amount of Bitcoin is.

The reason is, the wallet containing hundreds of Bitcoins was reportedly last active in 2012. In the same year that Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto last appeared online.

The sending of hundreds of Bitcoins has drawn speculation from various circles, including linking it to Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. However, rumors of a connection with Nakamoto have yet to be confirmed. Of course, the value of Bitcoin in 2012 has increased in 2021.

In 2012, the total of 616 Bitcoins was around 7,000 to 8,000 US dollars (equivalent to Rp. 100 million to Rp. 114 million). At the time of writing, the price of Bitcoin was at the level of IDR 600,492,302 per coin based on a report from CoinMarketCap.

This is not the first time this has happened, many Bitcoin owners who have been inactive for years are starting to become active again. In November 2020, it was discovered that someone transferred Bitcoin equivalent to 1 billion US dollars (Rp. 14.2 trillion), according to a report from The Independent.

Actually, Bitcoin transactions can be tracked on a number of web pages, one of which is blockchain.com. Although the activity of transferring Bitcoin assets can be known, the owner is still unknown.