Revision Of Feasibility Study Study Never Given, PDIP Invites DPRD To Strike Formula E Anggaran Budget

JAKARTA - Member of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD, Manuara Siahaan, invites DPRD members not to allow or cross out the Formula E budget proposal from the DKI Provincial Government in the discussion of the 2021 APBD Amendment (APBD-P) and the 2022 APBD draft.

This proposal is offered by Manuara if the DKI Provincial Government has not yet provided a revised feasibility study document or a Formula E feasibility study until the budget discussion is carried out later.

This feasibility study was made by the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the organizer of Formula E in Jakarta. This study contains the feasibility of Formula E in terms of budgeting, economic impact, environment, and technical implementation.

"I hope that in the upcoming APBD-P discussion, so that if we have not verified the revision of the study and we have not received it, I hope that in the APBD discussion meetings we will cross out all the budgets allocated for Formula E," said Manuara at the press conference. DKI DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, September 28.

Manuara said this could be done by the DPRD, considering that the improvement of the feasibility study for Formula E was a recommendation from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the DKI Provincial Government's financial reports.

"So that there will be no twists and turns in the APBD discussion, I ask the leaders to be warned when this proposal is included in the revised budget or the pure budget," said Manuara. is a signal of an agreement that will be carried out by the party faction that proposed the Formula E interpellation. However, this has not yet become the official position of the party.

"The signal is not yet official from the faction's stance, but it is a signal that the allocation for Formula E (budget) is ordered to be crossed out. An order like that is a strong signal, a strong signal, of course there will be such a signal in the plenary interpellation," said Gembong.

Gembong said that the discussion of this budget was in almost all commissions in the DPRD. Only Commission C did not include a budget related to the implementation of Formula E.

"So, we don't only look at the financing of Formula E at the Dispora and PMD Jakpro. Because apart from that all commissions are included. Commission A, for example, there are Satpol PP, Firefighters, there are many. Our task is to comb it forward so that activities are not attached or the cost of organizing Formula E," said Gembong.