Belitung Regency Government Targets IDR 750 Million Swallow's Nest Tax

BELITUNG - The government of Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands, is targeting local tax revenues from swallow nest businesses in the area to reach Rp750 million.

"It is targeted that the swiftlet nest tax in 2021 is IDR 750 million because the potential tax from this business is quite large with an estimate of billions of rupiah," said Head of the Belitung Regional Tax and Levy Management Agency (BPPRD), Iskandar Febro in Tanjung Pandan, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, 28 September.

According to him, the swiftlet nest business tax is a potential source of revenue for Belitung Regency's PAD because the tax potential from the business sector is quite high.

"Currently, we have recorded that there are as many as 40 swallow nest business activities that are running and we continue to explore and update the data," he said.

Febro said BPPRD Belitung had changed the target for swallow nest business tax revenues from the previous Rp80 million to Rp750 million considering the high tax potential of the business sector.

"In the revised budget for 2021, we have changed the swallow tax business target and increased it to be higher than before," he said.

Meanwhile, until the third week of September, the realization of the swallow's nest business tax reached Rp. 115 million from the target of Rp. 750 million or 65.21 percent.

BPPRD Belitung will continue to optimize tax revenues from the swallow nest business sector by collaborating with the Belitung District Attorney's Office in an effort to increase awareness and compliance in paying regional taxes and levies.

"We already have the data so that later the prosecutor's office will only need to summon taxpayers who have been registered and have the potential for taxes of up to billions of rupiah," said Febro.