Galang Island Hospital COVID-19 Treats 17 Percent Of Patients From Total Capacity

JAKARTA - The Commander of Kodam I Bukit Barisan, Batam, Major General TNI Irwansyah, said that currently the COVID-19 Special Hospital for Infection (RSKI) on Galang Island is treating 17.2 percent of patients from the total beds prepared.

"There are 62 patients currently being treated at Galang Island Hospital. Meanwhile, this capacity can accommodate 360 patients, of which 20 are the ICU," said Irwansyah in a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Friday, July 17.

Meanwhile, since it was inaugurated on April 6, Galang Island Hospital has treated 434 COVID-19 patients. A total of 370 patients were declared cured and have been discharged, 2 people are still under referral, and the rest are still being treated.

Irwanysah continued, the majority of patients treated in the emergency hospital on an 80-hectare land are residents of Batam and its surroundings, and there are several patients who are foreign nationals working in the Batam area. In addition, Galang Island RSKI already has an independent COVID-19 examination tool.

"We have received assistance in the form of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tool and two swab booths which have been installed and have been tested for function, so they are ready for use," said Irwansyah.

"We are also training the operators at the Batam Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering Center, so that later we can use the PCR machine optimally," he continued.

In addition, RSKI Pulau Galang already has supporting facilities or facilities such as a laboratory, morgue, screening building, kitchen, laundry, pharmacy, helipad, and dormitories for health workers.

In the future, Irwansyah said that his party would coordinate with the Batam local government to maximize the use of this RSKI in treating patients infected with COVID-19.

"So, hospitals in other Batam areas can be used to treat non-COVID-19 patients. In other words, other hospitals can focus on treating patients other than COVID-19 patients," he said.

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