DPR Notes For The Government In Handling COVID-19: Accelerate Budget Absorption
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPR Puan Maharani gave various notes to the Government to improve the performance of handling COVID-19 and its effects. Puan said that in his closing speech for trial period IV, Session Year 2019-2020, at Nusantara Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, July 16.
This note is an implementation of the supervisory function, through the Board's Apparatus, it has held joint meetings with work partners and work visits, especially related to the response to COVID-19. "These notes, among others, accelerate the effectiveness of absorption of the budget for handling Covid-19, especially in the health sector, social, sectoral and local government support, as well as UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) support, "Puan said as quoted from the DPR website, Friday, July 17.
In addition, Puan said, the Government needs to strengthen and sharpen social protection and empowerment programs aimed at the bottom 40 percent of society so that they are right on target and on the right benefits as an effort to accelerate poverty reduction.
Then, the Government was asked to increase the synergy of related ministries and local governments to continuously improve Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).
The leadership of the DPR RI, through a consultation meeting with the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), supports BPK's efforts to mitigate the use of funds for handling the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts.
After the closing of this fourth session, the DPR members will carry out a recess. Puan hopes that DPR members can carry out a recess by implementing strict health protocols.
"The time has come, Members of the Indonesian Parliament to carry out a recess, which will be carried out in situations and conditions of the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, members of the DPR RI, so that together with the people in their constituencies, work together, work together, in strengthening implementation. health protocol against COVID-19 in restoring economic and social activities of the community, "said Puan.