Ganjar Pranowo Asks To Learn Face-to-face Supervision, Accelerated Vaccination

SEMARANG - The Central Java Provincial Government has accelerated COVID-19 vaccination for teenagers (SMP-SMK equivalent) related to the implementation of limited face-to-face learning (PTM).

"I ask PTM to be monitored. First, I ask for help from districts/cities to supervise SD, TK and PAUD because they can't be vaccinated. Second, for SMP, SMA, SMK, Madrasah, and equivalent levels, we ask for an acceleration of vaccination," said the Governor of Java. Central Ganjar Pranowo in Semarang quoted by Antara Monday, September 27.

Ganjar explained that Central Java received a vaccine allocation from the central government as many as 2.6 million doses of vaccine given within one week.

Therefore, Ganjar asked the second-level local government to work quickly and precisely to finish the dose of the COVID-19 vaccine that had been given.

In addition, vaccinators are also asked to be disciplined in reporting vaccination data through existing applications to find out the amount of stock used and the acceleration of vaccine injections that have been carried out.

"So I ask the regents and mayors to add vaccination points so that people's access is close, the vaccinators are added. Support from the TNI/Polri to be able to carry out vaccinations together. Can also involve community groups to accelerate it," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Central Java Provincial Health Office, Yulianto Prabowo, added that of the 2.6 million doses of vaccine given, around two million vaccines have been injected in a week.

The Central Java Health Office requested that acceleration be carried out in order to achieve the injection target of around 2.5 million doses of vaccine per week.

"Especially in areas with low achievement, there must be more efforts, at least Cilacap. Then also the agglomeration areas of Solo Raya (Surakarta, Klaten, Sukoharjo, Boyolali, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen) and Semarang Raya (Semarang City, Semarang Regency, Demak). , Kendal) there are 11 regions," he said.

Yulianto said for the agglomeration areas the vaccination target must reach 70 percent this month.

"As for the achievement of vaccination throughout Central Java, the number is now around 40 percent," he said.