Not Always Because Of Colds, Pay Attention To 7 Things That Cause Bloating

JAKARTA - Stomach bloating is often followed by constant farting. One of the causes is the amount of gas in the stomach. Excessive gas production can be due to the effects of consuming certain foods and several other things below.

1. Certain foods increase gas production in the stomach

That doesn't mean it's unhealthy food. But please note that the following foods can trigger flatulence, including:

- cauliflower

- broccoli

- nuts

- cabbage

- asparagus

- turnip

- milk and its products

- coffee

- beer, wine and so on

Vegetables that are in the same family as cabbage do have many functions. Besides being rich in fiber, these foods can also lower cholesterol and help improve digestion.

Reported by Boldsky, Monday, September 27, these vegetables contain carbohydrates that are not absorbed. These carbohydrates are processed by bacteria in the digestive tract into sugar and increase nitrogen. The ends are expelled from the body in the form of gas.

2. Eating and drinking too fast

Air will enter the stomach if you drink and eat too fast. Well, the air will come out when you burp and fart. So every time you eat and drink, take it slow and enjoy every bite.

3. Intestinal irritation

The cause of flatulence is called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Some people experience bloating with vomiting and diarrhea, this could be a sign of intestinal irritation.

4. The number of bacteria in the stomach is not balanced

The stomach muscles will contract when we eat food. Certain infections or health conditions such as diabetes can cause the bacteria in the stomach to be out of balance.

Well, this unbalanced bacteria can cause smelly farts. Worse, it can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, fever and fatigue.

5. Gluten intolerance

The gluten present in wheat, rye, and barley can cause a lot of gas production in the stomach for gluten intolerant people. This gluten intolerance is called celiac disease. In addition, for people with celiac, gluten can cause a decrease in the immune system.

6. Can not stand the content of lactose

This lactose content is in cow's milk and its products. Lactase in the small intestine converts lactose into smaller elements.

If the small intestine lacks lactase then lactose will not be digested completely and cause active bacteria to produce gas. It also eventually causes flatulence.

7. Consumption of artificial sugar and certain drugs

Not every condition when consuming artificial sugar containing xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol can be tolerated by the body. This causes gas production to increase.

Increased gas in the stomach may also be caused by several types of drugs, including drugs to treat high cholesterol and diet drugs.

Ways to deal with flatulence, include the following: Avoid consuming foods or drinks that cause flatulence. If you have to take drugs that cause flatulence, consult your doctor before stopping taking them. Try to eat cabbage family in the right portion so that gas production in the stomach does not interfere with activities.