Observer's Suggestion, Government Should Extend Term Of Office Of 271 Regional Heads

JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) has set a schedule for simultaneous regional elections to be held in November 2024. This means that there will be a vacancy of 271 definitive regional heads because their terms of office expire in 2022 and 2023.

There are 101 regions that do not carry out the 2022 regional elections and 170 regions in 2023. Of these, there are 24 governors, 191 regents, and 56 mayors whose term of office will expire. According to the rules, they will be replaced by the executor of the task (Plt).

On the one hand, the government has planned for high-ranking TNI and Polri officers to become acting (Pj) regional heads next year to fill the vacancy.

Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, M. Jamiluddin Ritonga, suggested that the government should extend the term of office of 217 regional heads. Because, the number is too much and will have an impact on Joko Widodo's leadership.

"It would be terrible if there were 271 regions led by Plt. This number is certainly the highest during Indonesia's existence. Jokowi will hold the highest record as president whose regions are led by Plt," said Jamiluddin, Monday, September 27.

According to him, these Plts will only carry out routine tasks and are not authorized to take strategic decisions or actions that have an impact on changes in the legal status of the organization, staffing, and budget allocation.

If the 2022 regional elections are abolished, Jamiluddin said, there will be 101 Plts in regions that for two years are not allowed to make strategic decisions. Meanwhile, if the 2023 Pilkada is abolished, it means that there are 171 regions led by Plt and within one year these regions are not allowed to take strategic policies.

"Of course it is very difficult for the region in two years or one year not to be allowed to take strategic policies. Especially if there are crucial problems that demand immediate attention, of course the Plts can't do anything," he said.

"If it really happens, of course the people in the area will suffer. The people must wait for a definitive regional leader, then strategic policies can be taken on the problems they face," he continued.

In addition, Jamiluddin said the government must also prepare 271 Plt. Which of course is not a small amount that must be prepared by the minister of interior.

"The problem is, are there really capable 271 Plts available? For this, of course, the government cannot be too confident as if it has sufficient stock to meet the needs of Plt in 2022 and 2023," said Jamiluddin.

"If there are not enough qualified PLT stocks, of course the 271 regions will suffer even more. The PLTs are sober and unable to take strategic policies will make the region even more lagging behind other regions led by the definitive regional head," Jamiluddin continued.

Therefore, according to him, a solution must be found so that the 271 regions will not face a leadership crisis, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government, Jamiluddin added, needs to consider extending the term of office of the 271 regional heads. This choice is expected to maintain a conducive area so that the continuation of development can be maintained.

"Like it or not, they are more legitimate than officials appointed by the government. That way, the government has prioritized the interests of the people rather than short-term political interests," he concluded.