Minister Of Industry Agus Gumiwang: IOMKI Encourages Manufacturing Sector To Remain Productive

JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that the implementation of the Operational License and Industrial Activity Mobility (IOMKI) policy had a major role in encouraging the manufacturing sector to remain productive during the pandemic.

"IOMKI is one way to stop the spread of COVID-19 as well as a step to ensure the industrial sector can continue to operate," he said in a webinar today, Monday, September 27.

The latest, IOMKI is a form of perfecting the rules for all industrial activities up to the product distribution process.

"IOMKI has also mandated the company's management to form a task force for handling COVID-19 in their respective industrial environments and this is mandatory," he said.

In addition, this policy requires the company to provide health workers and to prepare guidelines for entering and leaving work for its employees.

"This strategy is expected to maintain and spur the performance of the industrial sector which will accelerate the national economic recovery," he stressed.

The Minister of Industry also revealed that the government has prepared penalties for business actors who do not comply with the regulations that have been set.

"The government will not hesitate to impose sanctions on industrial companies that do not carry out activities in accordance with the provisions," he said.

For information, the policy for the Operational Permit and Mobility of Industrial Activities or IOMKI itself is contained in the Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Industry Number 3 of 2021 and SE of the Minister of Industry No. 5 of 2021.

The regulation states that companies that already have IOMKI are required to submit reports on the operational implementation and mobility of industrial activities twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, periodically.

As of early August 2021, the number of companies that have pocketed the requirements to operate during the pandemic is 19,903 entities. Meanwhile, IOMKI permits that have been released by the government are recorded at 21,788.

The Ministry of Industry reported that the export performance of the manufacturing or processing industry increased by 34.12 percent during January to August 2021 compared to the same period the previous year or year-on-year (yoy). The value of the resulting exports reached 111 billion US dollars. Just so you know, the industrial sector contributed the most to 78.16 percent of the total national export value for eight months of this year which reached 142.01 billion US dollars.