Beware Of The Cobra Snake Terror By Cleaning The Environment

JAKARTA - Entering the rainy season as it is now, there is one thing that the community must be aware of, namely the emergence of cobras entering residential areas. There have been many discoveries of cobras around residents' houses.

One of them is the finding of 18 cobras, which are about 20 centimeters long, in the bathroom toilet for residents in Kembangan, West Jakarta.

After being investigated by the West Jakarta Fire and Rescue Agency, it turned out that the 18 cobras had nests in a former pond warehouse in Kembangan. The former pool warehouse has a piping channel that is connected to the bathroom.

Reflecting on the experiences of its residents, West Jakarta Mayor Rustam Effendi appealed to all DKI residents to anticipate the cobra's breeding season through a cleaning program.

"We are aware of the rubbish and holes, as well as cleaning the environment. If the environment is clean, both RT / RW or the community can be alert. The potential of snake nests can be identified and cleaned," said Rustam, Monday, December 16. .

Rustam hopes that in the future there will be no more snakes found around the residents' houses. Meanwhile, the city government will assist trained firefighters on standby, as well as prepare supplies of anti-venom serum.

Rustam's advice is that if the community finds a potential snake nest, they can report it to the local RW and the nearest Fire and Rescue Agency.

"In fact, those who are trained are firefighters. Which people are brave. If they (ask for help) snake handlers are limited," he said.

Furthermore, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) explained the reasons why cobras often appear in the rainy season. Reptile researcher from the LIPI Biological Research Center Amir Hamidy said, in one egg laying, the female parent of the Javan cobra can produce 10-20 eggs.

The eggs will hatch in a span of three to four months. Cobra eggs are laid in holes in the soil or under moist dry leaf litter.

"The beginning of the rainy season is the time when snake eggs hatch. This phenomenon is normal, and is a natural cycle, ”explained Amir as quoted on the official website of LIPI.

He explained, warm and humid room temperatures tend to be favored by snakes as a place to hatch eggs. Almost all types of snakes, including the mother cobra at a certain period, will leave the eggs and let the eggs hatch on their own.

"Once hatched, cobra chicks will spread everywhere," said Amir.