150 Kacer Birds Try To Be Smuggled Into Malaysia, Stored In 15 Basket Boxes

JAKARTA - The Pamtas Task Force for the Mechanical Infantry Battalion 643/Wns succeeded in thwarting the smuggling of 150 illegal Kacer birds on the Malaysia-Indonesia Border Crossing Road.

The birds were taken by car and happened to cross the routine sweeping route of the Sungai Daun Pamtas Post in Sungai Daun Hamlet, Malenggang Village, Sekayam District, Sanggu Regency, West Kalimantan, last Saturday, September 25.

"Starting from the suspicion of Batih SSK, 3 Serda Bagus and 4 members during the vehicle sweep, they saw the number of basket boxes in the car. At the time of inspection there were 15 basket boxes containing 150 kacer birds and after the inspection process, it was true that the birds were illegal without official documents. ," said Dansatgas Pamtas Mechanical Infantry Battalion 643/Wns, Lieutenant Colonel Inf Hendro Wicaksono in a written statement.

It was further explained that evidence of 150 kacer birds along with the driver with the initials S (32 years old) and owner B (40) were brought to the Kotis Entikong Post for safekeeping. Then it was handed over to the Entikong Agricultural and Animal Quarantine Station.

First Lieutenant Inf Restu BP as Dan SSK 3 Sungai Daun added, the ranks of the SSK 3 Post will continue to consistently improve supervision by carrying out patrol activities on the RI-Malaysia border lane to prevent state losses through illegal activities so as to create orderly and safe border conditions.

"With the prevention of illegal wildlife, it can support the government in maintaining bird populations and habitats in natural forests in border areas," he said.

dr. Astried from the Entikong Agricultural and Animal Quarantine said that wild animals from the forest cannot be traded freely, they must go through the process of captivity to cultivation, this is to maintain the habitat of these wild animals in their natural environment.

"Thank you to the Pamtas Task Force for synergizing to prevent the illegal practices of this animal so that the habitat of this kacer bird is maintained, in the future we will release this kacer bird back into nature," he said.