Students Are Believed To Be More Obedient To Prokes, But Why Are More Schools Opened?

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI) Heru Purnomo was surprised that the government had issued a face-to-face learning (PTM) policy for schools rather than universities.

In fact, said Heru, the first student who received the COVID-19 vaccination was included in the age criteria of 18 years and over. Meanwhile, vaccination of students aged 12-17 years has recently been intensified.

"FSGI is confused by the government's policy of opening PAUD and elementary schools, but not opening universities," said Heru when confirmed, Monday, September 27.

In fact, said Heru, students generally have been vaccinated and student behavior is more controlled in implementing health protocols when studying face-to-face.

Meanwhile, kindergarten and elementary school students have not been vaccinated and their age behavior is difficult to control, making them susceptible to transmission.

Therefore, Heru encourages the government to issue PTM policies equally at all levels of education, including all universities.

"FSGI encourages universities to immediately PTM, considering that in terms of obedient behavior to health protocols, they have a high awareness of prokes," said Heru.

"In addition, vaccination for them is earlier than the students below it, so that physically they have relatively more collective immunity," he continued.

Furthermore, Heru also asked the government to accelerate the even distribution of vaccinations for children aged 12 to 17 years. This is because the achievement of vaccination outside Java, especially in rural areas, is still low.