NASA Is Looking For A Replacement For Astrovans, The Public Even Suggests Some Strange Ideas

JAKARTA - NASA's efforts to find a replacement for the iconic Astrovan to carry astronauts on a new Moon rocket have opened Pandora's box. Many opinions from the public began to suggest the strangest vehicle, and added Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to the mix.

Astronaut transfer vans, or Astrovans, were used to transport astronauts to and from launch pads during the Space Shuttle era. While his predecessor escorted crews of astronauts from several Apollo missions.

The shiny silver space shuttle era vehicle became so popular with the crew that astronauts reportedly objected to the replacement. Moreover, this vehicle has become part of the American space tradition.

However, NASA eventually found the 1983 Airstream Excella motorhome that had to be modified because it was too old to take part in its new Artemis program, with its ambitious goal of returning humans to the Moon.

The space agency notified a "private company," seeking advice on a viable replacement for the historic transport. A NASA statement stated that "proposals must be unique, embrace new technologies, and visually embody Artemis to the public."

However, when this news reached Twitter, many non-corporate commentators chose to help NASA as well, with many suggestions ending up being completely "unique."

Some insist that astronauts should ride something like the Eagle 5 Camper Van from the comedy "Spaceballs," or Harry's Dog Van from "Dumb and Dumber," or even the massive War Rig from the latest "Mad Max."

Some shared the belief that the Wienermobile, which was used to advertise Oscar Mayer's meat products, would be perfect for "visualizing Artemis to the public." In fact the company happily complied, tweeting, "Hey @NASA we've got you. ”

Others are urging NASA to go completely green and put the astronauts in their spacesuits on multi-seat bicycles or on horse-drawn carriages.

Some commentators say that NASA, which is now relying on Space X to deliver its astronauts into orbit, doesn't need to go far and can simply use Elon Musk's Tesla.

One genius suggested that instead of potentially spending millions of dollars developing a new vehicle, the agency could simply opt for a regular bus.