Religious Leader Shooting, Police Check CCTV Around TKP

TANGERANG - The police are still investigating the shooting of Ustadz Alex on Jalan Ndan Saba, Kunciran Village, Pinang, Tangerang City on Saturday, September 18, at around 18.30 WIB.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus revealed that his party was still examining evidence in the form of CCTV footage and examining witnesses, although there were no eye witnesses in the incident.

"There are 12 witnesses who were examined and an examination has also been carried out, one of which is analyzing CCTV. Because at the time of the incident no one saw it directly," said Yusri in his statement, Saturday, September 25.

"We are still investigating this, including asking for information from those who heard the gunshots and who saw the victim lying down. Be it his wife, a neighbor in front of the house or a niece," he added.

It was previously reported that Arman alias Ustadz Alex was the victim of a shooting by an unknown person (OTK) on Saturday, September 18, at around 18.30 WIB.

Ustaz Alex is known as the chairman of the taklim assembly, he is also known as a medical expert. The victim died on the way to the hospital due to blood loss.

One projectile was secured by the police and is being analyzed by a team from the Forensic Laboratory to determine the type of weapon used by the perpetrator to shoot the victim.

"It is being analyzed by the Labfor team to find out what type of weapon the perpetrator used," concluded Yusri.