Ministry Of Industry Encourages Acceleration Of Integrity Zones In Creating Corruption-Free Areas (WBK)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry is committed to encouraging the development of an integrity zone towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) or a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in all work units (satker).

"The Satker need to prepare to face the assessment from the National Assessment Team (TPN) in order to get the WBK or WBBM predicate," said the Ministry of Industry's Inspector General Masrokhan quoting Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasmita in his statement in Jakarta, Saturday, September 25.

This was conveyed by Masrokhan during the declaration of the Commitment to Establish a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) at the Palembang Industrial Research and Standardization Center (Baristand).

A bureaucratic system that is transparent, accountable, and free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) is an absolute must for every government agency, including the Ministry of Industry.

Therefore, the Inspectorate General (Intjen) of the Ministry of Industry focuses on providing direction and reinforcement in an effort to accelerate the construction of integrity zones for the proposed work units to obtain WBK or WBBM.

The assessment mechanism by the TPN includes the proposal of the Internal Assessment Team (TPI) to the TPN through the Independent Assessment of the Development of the Integrity Zone (PMPZI), external surveys, surveys on the results of the assessment of bureaucratic reform and integrity zones, TPN evaluations, TPN panels, to the determination of the WBK or WBBM predicate.

Masrokhan, who this time came with the Head of the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry, Doddy Rahadi again reminded the Palembang Industrial Baristand who was the representative of the Ministry of Industry in South Sumatra and its surroundings to improve performance, commitment and collaboration with all parties.

"In addition, the Palembang Industrial Baristard still needs to improve forms of public service innovation, so that its presence can provide added value for the people of South Sumatra," said Maskrokhan.

He also gave appreciation to the Palembang Industrial Baristand, who had seriousness, sincerity, commitment to achieve WBK, as well as trying to implement the integrity zone builder in a tangible form in the field.

Masrokhan added that the development of the integrity zone is actually aimed at building a bureaucratic reform program so that it is able to develop a bureaucratic work culture that is anti-corruption, has high performance, and is able to provide quality public services.

Masrokhan is optimistic, if all the working units within the Ministry of Industry can properly realize the core values and employees branding as State Civil Apparatus (ASN), then all the work units within the Ministry of Industry will become the "Island of Integrity".