Xbox Arrivals Edge Update That Can Access Discord Directly On The Web

JAKARTA - The latest version of the Chromium Edge browser has finally been officially launched by Microsoft to the Xbox. After six months of testing, the Chromium Edge version is now available for all Xbox One and Xbox Series S/X consoles.

The update allows Xbox owners to stream Google Stadia games, access Discord on the web, and more. The Xbox version of Edge looks almost identical to the version available on PC or Mac. It even includes features like vertical tabs and Collections.

Like Edge on PC and mobile, the Xbox version also syncs all of your settings, favourites, tabs, and web history. The only features that are really missing are extensions, and the ability to switch to developer mode to change the User Agent or access the console.

The Edge upgrade also supports mouse and keyboard, so users can access things like Word or Excel online, or even Google Stadia games via a keyboard and mouse or Xbox controller.

While Xbox doesn't have the Discord app yet, users can access the web version with this new version of Edge. Discord will allow users to join voice calls and participate in text channel chats, but unfortunately microphone support is not available.

The new Edge browser is a huge improvement over what was on the previous Xbox, and users can even use it to access Steam PC games or web games like Krunker or Quake JS.

While Nvidia is still oddly blocking access to the GeForce Now streaming service via Edge. The company reasons that they are only investigating Edge browser support for the future. Thus quoted from The Verge, Friday, September 24.