PDIP: Paralympic Athletes Raise The Spirit Of Nationalism

JAKARTA - PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri and her staff appreciate the struggle of Indonesian athletes at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said they had succeeded in making Indonesia proud.

"Today, we are with paralympic athletes who have shown proud achievements," said Hasto at the PDIP DPP office, Jakarta, Friday, September 24.

Hasto said the presence of paralympic athletes at the PDIP DPP reminded the spirit of love for the country. This is in accordance with Megawati's direction regarding sports which are part of the PDIP culture.

According to him, Bung Karno's proclaimer increased nationalism by replacing colonial sports. Bung Karno made pencak silat one of the national sports in the country.

"It's the same when we receive paralympic athletes who make the nation proud," said Hasto.

In the series of events held at the DPP PDIP Jakarta office, the implementation of health protocols was carried out strictly. Paralympic athletes were present wearing red-and-white sports jackets that read Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Megawati was seen wearing a red bomber jacket. He appeared online from his residence on Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta.

A number of PDIP DPP Chairmen such as Puan Maharani, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Eriko Sotarduga, Tri Rismaharini, Utut Adianto, Nusyirwan Soedjono, Sukur Nabanan, Sri Rahayu, Wiryanti Sukamdani, Ribka Tjiptaning, and Mindo Sianipar attended the PDIP DPP.

They participated in handing over certificates and symbolic assistance to athletes and representatives of the Indonesian Paralympic board. Meanwhile, the chairman of the DPP, Prananda Prabowo, watched online.

"Through this event, PDIP gives appreciation to all athletes who competed in the paralympics, both those who won medals and those who have not won medals," concluded Hasto.