DPRD Asks BUMD Jaktour To Absorb Workforce, Reduce Unemployment In Jakarta

JAKARTA - Member of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the DKI DPRD, Lukmanul Hakim, asked the BUMD PT Jakarta Tourisindo (Jaktour) to absorb more workers.

This was conveyed by Lukman regarding the plan to change the legal status of PT Jaktour into a regional company (perseroda). Lukman asked Jaktour to help reduce the unemployment rate in Jakarta.

“So there must be a link and match, and this is a record so that it is more serious to discuss. This must be our concern to overcome unemployment in the future,” said Lukman in his statement, Friday, September 24.

It is known, in its projection to become a limited liability company through the proposed amendment to Perda Number 5 of 2004, Jaktour develops the tourism industry such as city beautification, activation of public spaces for tourism infrastructure and events.

On that basis, Jaktour has proposed a change in the authorized capital value of Rp. 750 billion to Rp. 2.993 trillion.

Based on the increase in capital received, Lukman wants Jaktour to create a work program that is not only oriented to Regional Original Income (PAD). However, it also looks at the potential for educational qualifications with the needs of the world of work.

"Because every year younger siblings from the University want from SMK to graduate every year, this must be a shared responsibility, because today there are 250 thousand unemployed and every year it will increase. Jakartans know there are regional companies but cannot do internships here,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Jaktour Novita Dewi revealed that his party continues to prioritize internship opportunities for students and students in the draft proposed changes to the Perda.

"So we will not work alone, instead we invite all collaborators and all elements to work on the community, including vocational students and also students at universities and high schools who have more than 30 or even 40 collaborators," he explained.

Even so, Jaktour will also immediately re-coordinate in detailing the allocation of HR needs to realize Jaktour's rebranding in the future. Including, in the allocation of human resource needs sourced from educational institutions.