Arriving In Jakarta, Ega Prayudi Explains The Chronology Of Pain And The Latest Condition Of Tukul Arowana

JAKARTA - Tukul Awarana's first son, Ega Prayudi, has arrived in Jakarta. He is the first son of Tukul and Susi who was adopted since childhood. He took on the task of being a police officer in East Java.

Knowing his father was in the hospital, Ega drove to Jakarta, Thursday, September 23. When he arrived at the National Brain Center Hospital, Ega met the media and gave an explanation of his father's chronology and current condition.

"Thank God my father's condition is normal, maybe I can update his development later. I ask for prayers, hopefully he will be healthy again," he said, quoted from

Ega explained Tuesday morning still communicating well with his father. "Yesterday morning I was still on a video call because I asked for a video of the Happy Traffic Corps Anniversary, yes, it's still normal, it's still normal," he recalled.

In the afternoon, Ega received news that Tukul had fainted and was rushed to the hospital. "I don't know what the complaint is about my father. I received information that afternoon, your father was unconscious and was rushed to the hospital. Yesterday I received information from your manager, I just haven't confirmed it yet," he explained.

Regarding the bleeding in the brain, Ega did not dare to speculate. "I haven't been there, haven't talked to the doctor. My father has no history of illness, he was taken to the hospital in a conscious state. Tuesday night at 7 at the hospital," said Ega while saying goodbye to see Tukul Arowana.