How To Fix A Broken Android Cellphone Button, Fix It Immediately With These Steps

YOGYAKARTA – In the latest Android phone designs, buttons are increasingly difficult to find. Usually because it is given a color that blends with the body. Or even placed slightly down due to pressure on the screen bezell which is getting thinner.

Moreover, some of the button features have now been replaced by gesture-based commands. One of them is saving screenshots, which can already be done by swiping three fingers at once in front of the screen.

However, we still really need it. Like to lock the screen or adjust the volume. However, due to frequent use, the physical buttons will certainly be damaged eventually. Yes, one of the problems that many Android users often face.

Well, if the Volume or Power on-off button on your phone doesn't work, don't rush to take it to a service center. Based on the VOI team's trial, there are several ways to fix the Android cellphone button that you can do yourself. Want to know?

Check the Condition and Health of the HP Button

There is a possibility that the cause of the damaged HP button is an error in the software section. This causes the physical button function to be less than optimal. Therefore, the first thing you should do is ensure the condition and health of the HP button.

We recommend that you perform the following basic repairs to check the condition of the buttons:

Reboot the phone Enter Safe Mode Diagnostic hardware keys using the TestM app

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Clean Dust and Dirt in the Cracks Around the Button

It should be noted, the Volume and Power buttons on your device are the hardware that is most often in direct contact with the environment. Over time, dirt and dust will accumulate in the gaps around the button.

If it accumulates in large quantities, of course it can interfere with the internal connection between the button and the inner components. Therefore, it is important to check the cleanliness condition of your buttons.

According to the author's experience, the best way to clean dust or dirt on a cellphone is to blow air into the gap. Or, you can also clean using a toothpick. Sometimes, this simple method is more than enough to overcome these obstacles.

Use Action Apps Instead of Buttons

Before you take your device to service, you can take advantage of an action application whose function is to replace the button. For example the application to lock or unlock the screen. As well as an application to increase and decrease the audio volume.

Now there are many choices of applications that offer this service. For example, Gravity Screen. However, you should do this step if the RAM and internal storage capacity is sufficient. If not, it can actually make your Android phone slow and lag.

Well, that's how to fix a broken HP button. So, no need to panic and worry when the buttons on the cellphone you are using don't work. Just do one of the steps above.