Indra Bruggman Exclusive Tests His Courage To Start A Business During A Pandemic
JAKARTA - Indra Bruggman's handsome face is rarely seen on television or on the big screen. It's not even rare anymore, Indra is currently on hiatus from the entertainment world. Feeling no challenge, Indra prefers to do business.
Indra Bruggman is now focusing on managing several businesses, from clothing to now opening a coffee shop. "I'm not so enthusiastic about the entertainment world anymore," said Indra Bruggman in the Tebet area, South Jakarta, some time ago.
"Even if there is a really good shooting offer, I'll just take it. Meanwhile, I'm focusing on guarding the shop," said Indra Brugman.
The stall referred to by Indra Bruggman is the Kopibrug Coffee Shop located in the Tebet area. The business he is currently engaged in is called Kopibrug which is taken from his family name Bruggman.
"This is the field that I am currently pursuing. Previously I was in the Muslim fashion business with my family. Here I really devote my thoughts and energy and my savings. I need prayers and support from all who used to be my fans," said Indra at his cafe.
Indra Bruggman said he was optimistic about starting a new business during the pandemic because he had thought through the concept of the cafe. "During this pandemic, I saw that many restaurants went out of business, they couldn't survive. But if you hang out, they can grow," he said.
That's why Indra offered the concept of "ngariung" aka gathering in Sundanese. If there are no restrictions, Indra gives live music performances.
"The type of drink may be the same as other cafes. What makes the difference here is the atmosphere is ngariung. A gathering place for friends, friends and family. That's why here there are several private spaces as well as open spaces," he said.
The actor who was born in Tasikmalaya, May 8, 1981, also "used" his artist friends to promote his coffee shop. Every day there are always artist friends who visit, making the shop known as a gathering place for artists.
"Actually, I didn't invite specifically. I told my friends that I had a cafe. They came here if they wanted to meet. Then other friends came too. It was a form of support. It turns out that every day someone comes, it's known as a place to hang out artists," he said.
To add to the warmth of the atmosphere, every day there is electric acoustic music from 16.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB. Acoustic music was deliberately chosen so that visitors can still chat and not be disturbed by loud music.
The unique thing that can be found at Kopibrug is that most of the furniture in this 300-seat cafe is handmade by Indra Bruggman himself.
"I actually made this myself. It's not as neat as that made by a furniture maker, but it's okay. Just channeling my hobby of carpentry. And at the same time saving money on buying furniture," he said with a laugh.
Indra is well aware that this business with a decent investment is not just a sideline or selling his name, which is still popular today. That's why Indra continues to exist starting from the cafe opening to closing.
"So if you want to meet me, it's easy. Just come to Kopibrug. We hang out together here," he said.
Indra's goal to open a business is not just to make a profit. He wants to create jobs in the midst of the difficult times of the pandemic.
"In the past it was just looking for material, now we are thinking what impact we can give with our efforts? So we are more accepting, more mature, more relaxed," he admits.
Indra learned from his parents how to be a nurturing figure, giving advice, and an example in real life. "It turns out that what is being said is the truth, we must do it," he explained.
Indra admitted that he was not burdened materially when he focused on his business. Because his family supports him no matter what.
"The important thing is that worship should not be slack. Learn more about religion. Because religion is a guide for us to behave, think. Life is if it can be useful for people. Don't let it be detrimental. That's the message papah and mamah will always remember," he explained.
No longer appearing on the small screen, Indra Bruggman admits that he can live a simple and frugal life. "If you want to be successful, don't be wasteful, save, invest. Don't follow trends too much. Don't eat too much of a lifestyle. Because our lives are not always safe. So we have to be able to save well," he explained.
Indra admitted that he would not shut himself up to return to entertainment one day. However, his perspective has changed.
"It's still interesting entertainment for some people. But for me it's not as interesting as it used to be. Maybe if I didn't have knowledge about life before. Now I know that I'm more restrictive. Because being a public figure is seen by many people. At least there are people who follow our steps. If our steps are wrong and many who follow it will be a sin. That's why I want when I go out in public there is a story that I put out so that it inspires not with silly and random things, "he said.