Fake Police Of Tens Of Millions Arrested In Madiun

MADIUN - The Madiun City Police Criminal Investigation Unit Team, East Java, arrested fake police officers who carried out fraud that cost victims tens of millions of rupiah.
Madiun City Police Chief AKBP Dewa Putu Eka Darmawan said the suspect was Aris Danan Tri Jatmiko. The suspect has been doing this since 2019.
"So this suspect admits to being a member of the National Police with the rank of Adjunct Commissioner of Police (AKP) under the name Ahmad Jamiludin and serving in the Madiun City Police Criminal Investigation Unit," said AKBP Dewa, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 23.
The suspect's deception ended after the victim named Edy Gunarso, a resident of Kraton Village, Magetan Regency, reported to the Madiun City Police.
Based on the victim's statement, the suspect claimed to be able to help his victim collect debts to include someone to work in a government agency. From the victim, Edy, who works as a teacher, the suspect managed to cheat up to Rp. 68 million more.
"The suspect knew the victim and claimed to be able to help collect the victim's debt. Over time, the suspect often asked the victim for money in order to collect the debt," he said.
However, until the agreed deadline, the promised debt collection has not been realized. The suspicious victim then asked the status of the suspect to the Madiun City Police. The results of the victim's search, it turns out that there is no suspect in the membership of the Madiun City Police.
"Meanwhile, the fraud was only based on the information provided by the suspect. There was no identity card as a member of the police or uniform. The victim believed because the suspect admitted to being a Satreskrim member who usually wore plain clothes," said Dewa.
The police chief asked the public to always be wary of someone claiming to be a member of the police and offering certain services.
"Police members are always provided with an official identity. The public is expected to check first if they encounter similar conditions. In addition, the police do not collect debts. We hope that the community will be even more vigilant," said Dewa.
As a result of his actions, the suspect Aris Danan is threatened with a prison sentence of up to four years.