Receives 200 Thousand COVID Vaccines From The Center, NTB Police Chief Invites Task Force And TNI To Work More Extra

NTB - West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province received an additional 200 thousand doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the central government to accelerate the completion of the vaccination implementation.

The NTB Regional Police Chief Inspector General M Iqbal said the supply of the vaccine was obtained after the Provincial Government and the NTB COVID-19 Handling Task Force submitted a request for additional vaccines to the Ministry of Health.

"What came yesterday was an additional shipment from the central government specifically to support the achievement of the vaccination rate in the Central Lombok Super Priority Tourism Area (DPSP). Meanwhile, the additions for other regencies/cities will arrive in the next few days," he said while monitoring the implementation of vaccinations in Lombok. Central Lombok Regency, Antara, Thursday, September 23.

The Ministry of Health will again send additional vaccine supplies to NTB if the local government can immediately finish the vaccine that has been received.

"We have proven that we can accept the central government's challenge to quickly deplete the existing vaccine stock. For that I ask the existing task force to do more extra work. The main officials of the Polda and Korem 162 WB to think outside the box invite the public to immediately vaccinate," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of the NTB Provincial Hospital, HL Herman Mahaputra, said an additional 200 thousand COVID-19 vaccines for NTB, 100 thousand doses of which had been distributed and another 100 thousand doses were stored in the warehouse of the NTB Provincial Health Office.

"We'll see what the progress is like. What is clear is that we are pursuing an acceleration of the vaccine. As soon as we run out we will ask again. Because our target by October 5 is 70 percent (vaccination coverage) has been completed," he said.

Kapolda Iqbal also expressed his appreciation to all those involved in the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination.

"Thank you to the field task force team, the health workers, the younger siblings of the Resort Police Chief, and the main Polda officials who are still enthusiastic, showing their militancy so that they can exceed daily targets," said Iqbal.