Four Strategies Of The Ministry Of Health To Reach 2.5 Million Injections Of COVID-19 Vaccine In A Day

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Health has implemented four strategic steps in an effort to accelerate towards 2.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine injections per day in the regions.

"The first is to involve the TNI/Polri, the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to accelerate vaccinations," said Acting Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Maxi Rein Rondonuwu in a statement. Hearing Meeting (RDP) which was attended from the YouTube channel of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission IX in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, September 23.

The second strategy, said Maxi, is to mobilize existing resources in each Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) such as vertical hospitals, the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health (Poltekkes) for vaccination services based on health and mobile facilities to the community.

The third strategy is to establish a vaccination center in collaboration with other partners such as members of the DPR, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), banks, universities, religious organizations such as the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the Indonesian Mosque Council as well as private parties.

"Lastly is the involvement of the Regional Development Officer of the Ministry of Health to provide support to monitor the Indonesian House of Representatives in the implementation of vaccinations in the field and ensure that vaccination reporting is in accordance with the data of each region," he said. Maxi said a number of obstacles in achieving the target of injecting an average of 2.5 million doses per day, including vaccination coverage for the elderly (elderly) which is relatively lagging behind other target groups.

"Many things affect the lagging behind in vaccinations for the elderly, including the role of the family in taking their parents to the vaccination center, concerns about comorbidities, even though we know that the elderly are the most vulnerable when they fall ill," he said.

Maxi said the vaccination acceleration strategy also targets a number of areas in the agglomeration areas such as Malang Raya, Greater Bandung, Semarang Raya, Solo Raya, Greater Surabaya and Jabodetabek to achieve 70 percent coverage of the first dose of vaccination in October 2021.

The same strategy is also applied to three provinces with high population levels in Indonesia because it requires harder efforts to contribute to achieving the national COVID-19 vaccine injection target of 2.5 million doses per day on average.

"West Java, East Java and Central Java, if we give the injection according to the daily target, it can meet the achievement of 60 percent of the national vaccination," he said.