IPW Asks Commission III DPR RI To Form A Special Committee Regarding The Alleged Issue Of Jalan Djoko Tjandra

JAKARTA - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) has asked Commission III of the DPR RI to make a special committee related to the alleged involvement of Bareskrim Polri in issuing travel documents on behalf of Djoko Tjandra. The formation of this special committee is considered important to investigate the possibility of efforts to provide protection for the defendant in the Cessie Bank Bali case.

"Commission III of the DPR RI must form a Special Committee for Djoko Tjandra to investigate the possibility of a criminal conspiracy to protect the fugitive corruptors," said IPW Presidium Chair Neta S Pane in a written statement, Wednesday, July 15.

In addition to requesting the formation of a special committee, IPW also urged Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo to be immediately removed from his position as Head of the PPNS Coordination and Supervision Bureau of the National Police Brigadier General and examined by the Police Propam.

Because, from the data held by IPW, the travel letter for Djoko Tjandra was issued by the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit through the PPNS Coordination and Supervision Bureau number SJ / 82 / VI / 2020 / Rokorwas dated June 18, signed by Prasetyo.

Due to the publication of this letter, this high-profile fugitive was free to travel from Jakarta to West Kalimantan and disappeared again.

On this basis, IPW strongly condemns the actions of Bareskrim Polri for being unprofessional and trustworthy for not arresting Djoko Tjandra but instead protecting him and giving him a pass.

Neta assessed that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) must immediately step in to evaluate the performance of Bareskrim Polri. "Because protecting and giving a passport to a fugitive in a corruption case like Djoko Tjandra means slapping President Jokowi's face, who has always emphasized the eradication of corruption," he said.