Anies' Subordinates Are Shocked That Nadiem's Office Finds 25 COVID-19 Clusters In Jakarta Schools

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Agency's Junior-High School Division, Putoyo, admitted that he had not found any clusters of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta schools. That's why he was surprised when the Ministry of Education and Culture released the findings of the COVID-19 cluster of schools in Jakarta.

"We don't have a cluster case yet. That's why we were a little surprised to hear this," Putoyo said when contacted, Thursday, September 23.

Currently, Putoyo said that the Education Office and the DKI Health Office would ask the central government for details on the findings of school data that contained clusters of corona virus transmission.

"We don't know the situation at the Ministry of Education and Culture. I have to confirm where this data comes from. We're trying to trace it because we didn't get it as long as we carried out this limited PTM," said Putoyo.

Then, DKI will directly check the condition of these schools and make contact tracing efforts together with the local puskesmas.

It is known, the findings of this cluster are recorded in real time data belonging to the Ministry of Education and Technology on the page. This data was collected from a survey of 900 school respondents.

As a result, Kemendikbudristek noted that there were 25 clusters in PTM and 875 schools that did not have clusters in PTM. It was also noted that 227 educators and education staff were confirmed positive for COVID-19 and 241 students were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

The head of the DKI Health Office admitted that his party had to know the indicators for determining the COVID-19 cluster in a school. There must be positive cases of children and people who take part in PTM. However, he said, that does not mean they are exposed at school.

Because, it is possible that COVID-19 cases in students and educators or education staff are exposed to COVID-19 from outside the school.

"When we started PTM, we knew that the index case could come from anywhere. We knew maybe it could be from the family first. Or during interactions on the road because not all of them have private vehicles on the road. Or maybe the school community, there are school interactions that happened to enter," said Widyastuti.