Broken, DIY Kalibawang Irrigation Channel Threatens 2,010 Hectares Of Farmers' Rice Fields In Kulon Progo

YOGYAKARTA - The government of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), together with the Serayu Opak River Basin Center will immediately repair the Kalibawang irrigation canal.

The Kulon Progo Head of Public Works, Housing and Settlement Areas (DPUPKP), Gusdi Hartono, suspects that the cause of the burst irrigation channel was heavy rain on Tuesday, September 21 yesterday.

"The increased water flow has weakened the irrigation structure due to the rapid erosion of the current, as a result it has eroded the gutters and subsided," he said in Kulon Progo, Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

The aqueduct is located in Pantok Wetan, Banjaroya Village, Kalibawang District. Gusdi added that the swift water had an impact on the collapse of the ground floor of the water channel with a diameter of four meters.

The water also eroded the five-meter-long embankment wall. To anticipate further widespread damage, the flow of water is now temporarily suspended.

"Currently, we are closing the flow of Kalibawang irrigation water in the area, to avoid further damage," he said.

Gusdi said that the broken water channel threatened the 2,010 hectares of ready-to-plant rice fields.

So far, the Dutch heritage aqueduct drains 7,000 liters of water per day for agricultural needs in Kulon Progo and the surrounding area.

"Moreover, currently agriculture in Kulon Progo is entering its first planting period, so if it is not immediately repaired then 2,010 hectares will be threatened. For repairs later the authority of BBWSSO," he said.

Meanwhile, staff from the Serayu-Opak River Basin Center (BBWSSO) Arif Wibowo added that his party had submitted a request to repair the water channel in the Pantog Wetan Padukuhan. It is likely that the repair will take as long as two weeks.

"We carried out the repairs in about two weeks, we are still coordinating. We hope this repair will not interfere with the rice planting period in Kulon Progo," he said.