Not Yet Receiving News About Anies's Interpellation, PDIP Asks For Clarification In The Plenary Session To The Chairman Of The DPRD

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD Gembong Warsono visited the room of the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, to ask for clarification on the follow-up to the proposed interpellation right which was submitted a month ago.

Gembong admitted that until now the Jakarta DPRD Deliberative Body had not held a meeting to determine the schedule for the plenary meeting to determine the interpellation. He also has not received news when Bamus will determine the plenary schedule to be held.

"We asked the leadership when it would be dissolved. We will urge the leadership to immediately schedule an agenda," said Gembong when met at the DKI DPRD Building, Wednesday, September 22.

Gembong admitted that the authority to hold a Bamus meeting on Formula E rests with Prasetyo. It's just that his party together with the PSI faction have officially proposed that an interpellation can be held immediately.

"That's the authority of the leadership. We just sent it here, now we'll collect it when you want to schedule it. If you don't remind yourself, don't forget, Mr. Chairman (Prasetyo)," he said.

Currently, there are 33 DPRD members from the PDIP and PSI factions who have signed the proposed interpellation right. Meanwhile, if it is to be realized, the DPRD must hold a plenary meeting to ratify the interpellation.

In the plenary meeting, the members present must meet a quorum of 50 percent + 1, or as many as 54 of the total 106 DPRD members. Therefore, Gembong admitted that his party is still lobbying members of other factions to participate in the plenary meeting.

"We have done lobbying with other friends. The answers we approach are still waiting for directions from their respective party leaders. But in the discussions that we hold, in principle they are okay," explained Gembong.